March 2, 2009

Birds Feeding on the Deck

I decided to purchase a birdfeeder that would attach to the deck. My purpose was to create an interesting, stress-free show for myself as I sipped coffe in the morning. This small decision evolved quite quickly into a hobby as I grabbed my point-and-shoot camera and started logging pictorially the different species attracted to the feeder. Next, I wanted to know what their names were, so to the internet I went. Not knowing what to Google caused me to remember that there was a list of bird names printed on the side of the birdfeed bag...ah-ha! I began Googling each name and started to discover exactly what I was looking at! Pure enjoyment!
The first picture is an American Cardinal and the other is a House Finch. Here are some links to learn more about the Cardinal and House Finch...
More pictures to come...

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