The House Finch family that have been housed in my Boston Fern have new arrivals. I didn't want to disturb them so I can't tell how many have hatched...I think three.
This is my newest watercolor using the wet-in-wet technique. I'm enjoying this new medium and the watercolor classes.
We have a female Ruby-throated at the feeder! I saw the male again today, he's really small and about half her size. We have seen a 3rd Hummer but they are all being so cautious and allusive it is hard to get a good view.

We were thrilled and surprised that the Hummingbird feeder attracted these Baltimore Orioles. My husband went out and bought an Oriole feeder and the Orioles are a lot less frustrated trying to get to the sugar water ;-) We have seen 2 males and 3 females. It is new this year to have them in the yard and to hear their cool song.
Orioles like to play games too! "Peek - a- Boo"
We have a Wren pair nesting nearby! This is the first time I've seen Wrens at the feeder. When I got home this evening they were in the front yard in the flower bed gathering nesting materials.