A Spring blizzard brought numerous birds to the feeder. We were so excited to get some new Spring migrants that we have never seen before. These Spotted Towhee photos were captured by my husband, Ken. I got out my Kansas Bird Guide to study up on Towhees. They nest in the Northwestern part of the state near the Nebraska border during the Summer. Migrants are seen during April and October. This guy must be an early bird ;-)
Spotted Towhee
Spotted Towhee
Eurasion Collared-Dove
This little guy arrived on the day of the Spring snowstorm. He makes the House Sparrows look huge. He was out there feeding today. Chipping Sparrows are Spring migrants that fly through on their way to the Northeastern part of the state where they nest. He must like it here...we've seen him the last 10 days.
"Oops...I lost my lunch!"