November 12, 2011

A Walk in the Woods, Part 3

A leaf strewn path


 Doe a Deer
This sweet little doe was not afraid of me at all.
The light wasn't good enough for clear photos with my point and shoot,
but I couldn't resist showing her to you.  She was checking 
me out from time to time, but would shake her
tail and continue foraging.

 The Woods



 Native Grasses of Kansas


 The Arkansas River

Heart~shaped Redbud Leaf

The End.

Hi!  I want you to know it's the end of this series, but
not the end of my birds and nature blog.  Doesn't
that make you happy...HaHa!
Winter backyard birds are beginning to arrive, like
the Dark-eyed Junco we saw this week :-))
I'm looking forward to posting about them and
other naturey things happening here in 
middle America.

Have a GREAT week!!