March 27, 2010
Spring Lifers in My Backyard
March 17, 2010
March 16, 2010
March 9, 2010
Cedar Waxwings: Buds & Birds
These birds are so small, I visualized them to be as large as a Cardinal. They were a little larger than a House Sparrow.
The Kansas Field Guide says they commonly nest in NE Kansas. I'm located in SC Kansas, so I'm assuming they are Spring migrants. They like to eat tree buds and there are "plenty to be had of them, I assure you".
I counted 54 Waxwings in this photo.
Eurasian Collared-Dove
This is another lifer for me :-)) There was a beautiful pair, but they flew off as I tried to get closer.
Carolina Wrens
We found out what the Wrens like...this fruit & nut seed bell. It was overcast getting ready to rain.
Female Cardinal
She was also grabbing a quick snack before the rains.
Black-capped Chickadee
He just wanted some suet, but the Starling's voracious appetites chomped the suet block down in a couple of days. Another great day of backyard birding!