April 29, 2009
April 28, 2009
All Kinds of Sparrows
House Sparrow, Female
Harris's Sparrow
Female House Sparrow feeding her fledgling.
This last weekend was a weekend of lots of different Sparrows at the feeder. I decided that "if you can't beat them, join them". I did see the Cardinals feeding, not as much as the Sparrows. Then I noticed these little fledglings landing on the deck rail and the adult start to feed them. That was new! and super, cute! Will post more fledgling pictures later because they're so cute.
April 25, 2009
Identify This Sparrow??
Well, we had lots of different Sparrows on the feeder today. I tried to identify them so I could post the pictures with the identities. I couldn't find this one. Can anyone help me?
Wild Song Bird
April 23, 2009
Robins Are Nesting
The Robin pictured above/left is Robin #1. Here is Robin #2:
North American Robin,
Robin Nest,
Robin's Eggs
Robin's Nest Update: Day 6
Robin's Eggs,
Robin's Nest,
April 22, 2009
Evening At the Nature Center
It was so nice this evening we decided to drive out to the Nature Center. On the way out there we saw a beautiful Hawk, but I wouldn't be able to tell you what kind. We saw about 4 White-Winged Doves. It's a gravel road out to the center, surrounded by Winter Wheat fields, and the Doves were right on the road. We saw half a dozen Turkey Buzzards roosting in the trees. Many different animal tracks like deer, raccoon, Wild Turkeys. We heard the Wild Turkeys gobbling. The sunset was beautiful!
April 21, 2009
Correction: Brown Thrasher!
Robin Nestwatchers: I checked the nest yesterday. Still 4 eggs. My husband and I went to work-out last night and they weren't sitting on the nest, nor when we got back...curious...kind of cool last night, too.
I just looked at the nest now...through binoculars from the picture window. The male is sitting on nest...he is sure a good sitter.
Mourning Dove Today
April 19, 2009
Robin Nestwatch: More Eggs Each Day!
On Friday, April 17th, there were 3 eggs, then on Saturday afternoon we checked and there were 4. We've been busy today so we have not checked the nest. When we returned home from Bible study, it was dark and cool out and she/he were not sitting on the nest. The old addage "a watch-pot never boils" popped into my head. We'll need to trust that they'll get back on the nest tonight and keep those eggs warm! I'll check out the nest tomorrow morning. I wonder how many eggs this couple is going to lay?
Write me a post with your estimate.
Write me a post with your estimate.
I was so pleased to be able to acquire a picture of the male Robin sitting on the nest. He allowed me to walk up pretty close to get these pictures. The female on the other hand is pretty skittish. As soon as we open the front door, she takes off.
April 17, 2009
Robin Nestwatch: We've Got Eggs!
This nest was built by a Robin couple in a little tree in my front yard. Checked it yesterday...and we've got eggs! The color is so rich and beautiful.
April 15, 2009
Story Behind this Baby
Last Spring I hung a Boston Fern out on the front porch area. A pair of House Finches quickly built a nest in it much to my surprise. We got a hard freeze which killed most of the fern. We took the plant down to throw it away, but there were a couple of eggs in the nest. We decided to keep the plant hanging in a less prominent spot, wait until all threat of cold weather passed, and then buy a new Fern. I looked in the nest every couple of days. The next time we looked into the nest it had about 6 eggs!
The Housefinch couple were good parents! They hatched three babies. The babies were so ugly, they were cute...ha ha!
And then there were two...the babies grew quickly and grew feathers on their wings. One morning I looked into the nest and there were only two babies. Of course, that was kind of sad because as the weeks passed we became attached to them.
...to be continued
Nesting Robin
A Robin is nesting in a little tree in our front yard. One nested there last year but the nest was very small. I'm going to track her progress through pictures and post them. Last year I tracked the progress of some Housefinches. That was fun! They nested in our Boston Fern. We got really attached : )
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